Outdoor Activity Tracker
By transitioning their Mile-A-Day program to a mobile app, Come Alive Outside was able to automatically measure distance and use gamification concepts like points, streaks and badges to improve user adoption and program completion rates.
Programs the first year
User growth over the first year
Increase in reported participation the first year vs the previous year
Project Overview
Appivo built a comprehensive solution consisting of a mobile application for users and a web interface for program administration. Come Alive Outside is able to manage users and teams, launch programs with different goals, track usage and encourage users. Users of the mobile app are able to track their walks, view individual and team leader boards, unlock badges and send encouraging notes to each other.
The brainstorming process started by analyzing the original paper-based program and processes, taking into account rules and any required flexibility. While translating the program for the digital world, processes were optimized to improve the experience of both program administrators and participants.

The design process focused on simplicity and ease-of-use, as well as ensuring that the mobile app would be visually appealing and inline with Come Alive Outside’s brand. Understanding the user types was key, as the app needed to resonate with children, adults, and adults entering data for their children. The iterative design process progressed from sketches to wireframes to full-color mockups.

The comprehensive design effort resulted in a strong roadmap for the development team to follow. The iterative development process started with the administrative web interface before moving on to the mobile app. The final development phase consisted of an internal test run and the completion of a few final tasks before launching to an initial group of participants.

- Mobile outdoor activity app
- Digital solution to expand program reach
- News ways to measure data and track participation and program goals
- Gamification features to encourage participation and program completion