The next-gen app platform for IT professionals

Being asked to do more with less? Try doing more with less code. The Appivo low-code application platform can accelerate the journey from reactive to proactive to strategic.

Create the tools you actually need. Innovate faster, improve efficiency, and increase productivity.

Sometimes a spreadsheet isn’t enough and a twenty-person project team is too much. Build cloud-native web and mobile applications with Appivo and stop creating new legacy systems.

Business Logic

Use Rules, Triggers, Actions and Queries to define simple or complex business logic and workflows; including messaging, notifications and integrations.

Role Based Access Control

Easily create roles based on Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) permissions, or use groups and more granular access control for advanced scenarios.

Detailed Logging

Monitor apps and debug issues with detailed audit and run-time logs that can be searched, sorted and filtered.

Multi-tenant Applications

Deploy applications to discreet groups of users, keeping data separate. Manage sub-tenants individually, including unique app configurations.

Security & Compliance

Appivo is compliant with a number of local and international standards including but not limited to ISO27001, GDPR, GDPR-UK, and CCPA.

Administration Dashboard

Use the administration dashboard to keep track of usage metrics like users and storage, and switch subscription plans as needed.

Get more out of Appivo no matter who you are!

The Appivo low code platform is for everyone, no matter your title, role or industry. Build the app you need whether you’re a developer, designer, IT admin, AI innovator, team lead, etc.

For Developers

Already an experienced developer? Good for you! Appivo will make your workflow better, faster and more efficient.

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For AI Innovators

Want to harness the power of AI? Quickly train and launch an intelligent AI agent with the Appivo IQ platform.

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Documentation & Support

Documentation and support sites contain helpful resources such as conceptual explanations, definitions, guides and forums. Premium support subscriptions include access to the Appivo Support Team via the Appivo support portal.